Monday, August 2, 2010

Blonde or brunette?

So we got back from the teenytiny4x4 adventure to discover that Scientist No 1 had decided to go back to being a brunette.
The blonde journey has probably cost more than the GDP of a small Arab emirate PLUS I explained that she wouldn't be able to travel internationally without a new passport.
She's off to work as a brunette for the first time, I'm hoping the security people let her in and that her boss recognises her. Perhaps a hat?
Scientist no 1 at the beach when she was about 2, loved hats even as a baby.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, to have the complexion that suits both brunette and blonde means you have to juggle both colours through your life. I've been brunette for 2,5 years and I reckon I've saved bajillions.
