Saturday, June 26, 2010

Of haircuts and girly girl things

My friends and family will tell you I'm NOT a girly-girl. I have zero tolerance for all things fashion and I don't spend hours on my "look". I also have a tendency to pass value judgements on people who do, but I'm doing my best to work on that.

From time to time, however, I will make an effort to spruce up a bit since I don't want to frighten small children any more than is absolutely necessary.

So I went to the hairdresser yesterday for highlights and a trim. My colleague the border collie pointed me in the right direction - she has good hair so is obviously well-versed in the matter of hairdressers.

Quite apart from the cost of the exercise (I swear you can get an hour's flying lesson for the price)  there's the time investment and the hideous basin-torture to consider.
Look at this carefully. Now compare it to this:
Remind you of anything?

I think the problem is my height - I'm too tall for the chair so I have to squish my spine down to fit into the contraption, then drop my head backwards while someone fiddles with hot and cold settings before taking their claws to my scalp. They do this s-l-o-w-l-y while the basin bites you in the neck

Then there's the "massage". Lots of masochists pay extra for this - I always tell them to make the washing bit as quick as possible, no nerve-pinching, no hands under clothes thank you very much. All this while you try and clutch onto the hand towel around your shoulders to stop your clothes getting drenched.

I had highlights. This involves the application of tin foil to your head so that you look as if you're trying to communicate with aliens.

Not to mention foul-smelling dye cream applied one strand at a time.

Then there's the angst of how much to leave as a tip for the basin torturer. Too much and she'll think you're one of those masochists and do more next time; too little and you'll pay for it in pain next time.

The cutting part doesn't stress me too much, as long as they don't do it one hair at a time, it's hair for heaven's sake, it will grow again. What's the worst that can happen?

Cool highlights dude.

I call my new hairstyle the pineapple-anime look.

You get the picture.


  1. The comparison of the chairs is frightening!! The stuff women do, although I still color the gray every 6 weeks. Interesting blog and very nice to read.

  2. Gray? Pfft, not an option! Thanks for the feedback :-)
