Monday, August 11, 2014

The Intruder

Our first night in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park was at Nossob, the last shop and petrol (ahem) before we explored the remoter, northern reaches.
My Grandmother, in her wisdom, managed to book us a guest house with 2 bedrooms, a shower with separate loo and a well-appointed kitchen.
Walter braaied the lamb sosaties and Star Butchery's excellent boerewors and we washed that down with a lovely red blend the wine merchant sent us for our holiday.

Walter and my Grandmother stalking a fierce African ground squirrel at Nossob

In the early hours of the morning I heard someone walking around outside the house. There was something distinctively furtive about his walk, clearly he was trying to be quiet and hence up to no good.

Walter was obviously sound asleep and blissfully unaware that the cars were being targeted. While I was planning a suitable sneak attack the footsteps stopped, changed direction, and headed towards the Teenytiny4x4. Swift action was required. I leaped out of bed, pulled aside the curtains, threw open the windows and demanded "Who are you and WHAT are you doing?"

Silence. Then Darling responded "It's just me, turning off the compressor"
Fortunately the man has a strong heart, he mentioned being quite startled by my midnight attack.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Nossob, Kgalagadi

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