The one thing this neck injury has taught me is how presumptuous people are that you want their advice on how best to 'fix' the problem.
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Yes it's frustrating that it's taking so long to get to the bottom of it and find a suitable treatment. But not once have I said that I don't have faith in the medical specialists who are working with me. Each one has told me it will take time - it's not a straightforward problem. I don't see this as an indication they don't know what they are doing.
But every day I have some well-meaning person trying to get me to try something different. It's exhausting.
'Get a second opinion' is usually the first piece of advice. Closely followed by 'have you tried eye of newt/rescue remedy/reflexology/iridology/chiropractic/a sangoma?
I have seen, first-hand, the effect of this kind of ignorance. One of my nephews is profoundly deaf because his mother 'didn't believe in antibiotics'. A simple ear infection as a baby was treated with snake oil. Both of my own children spent a good couple of years on antibiotics to treat Vesicoureteral reflux and I send a little word of thanks to Alexander Fleming every day. Between them they have 4 healthy kidneys because of his petri dish.
I am not uninformed, cursed or bewitched. My blood type has absolutely nothing to do with this. It's an injury. And I don't believe there is an instant cure. The 'alternative' remedies would have made it into conventional medicine if there was any indication that they worked. I have no intention of being a guinea-pig for someone who has taken a 6-month online course in hand-waving, juju-speaking, incense-burning incantations.
Bog-standard physiotherapy has provided relief for the referred neck pain. I'm seeing a shoulder specialist (shock! horror! he has an actual medical degree) this week to investigate the shoulder injury.The physiotherapist referred me to him, she believes I need his help since the shoulder is getting worse rather than better. She also has an actual degree from an actual university.
So please. Enough with the recommendations.
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