Saturday, November 3, 2012

The statue of liberty

I have very high-tech equipment to use following the shoulder surgery. Trusty Physiotherapist suggested, some time back, that I rig a pulley system to help me regain some range. I asked Walter and Child no 2 if they had any thoughts about how to do this. They consulted. They stared into the distance. They announced it was do-able and then promptly forgot. Two weeks later, tired of waiting, I rigged this myself
Why yes, that is a tow rope slung over a beam in my house.

I stand there, like the statue of liberty, holding my gown closed for modesty's sake with my left arm almost pointing at the ceiling muttering "Give me your tired, your poor" and swearing like a trooper.

As for the surgery - the less said, the better. Suffice to say that the operating theatre looked nothing like the set of Grey's Anatomy, there was no McDreamy and the morphine drip became my best friend until I figured out that was what was causing the burning in my wrist. 

There were flowers, though, from family, friends and work

And it is slowly getting better. The night pain has (mostly) gone so I can sleep for more than an hour at a time, and I'm really trying to do the hourly exercises.

I'm still pissed that there was no McDreamy though.


  1. Do the exercises. I had major surgery on my shoulder and only did them half-heartedly.

    Rehab nearly a year later when the joint froze a year later was expensive, and more painful than what led to the surgery in the first place.

  2. Oh, I've learned that - fortunately my shoulder is now behaving itself, doing my exercises religiously!
