I got one of those calls from Scientist no 1 yesterday morning "Now, you're not to worry, but" which probably puts most mothers into a flat spin straight away.
Realising I had no handy paper packet to breathe into (thus removing hyperventilation as a possible option) I went into deep detective mode: "Are you alright?" "What happened?" "Is there blood?" and so on. (Side note: both of my children fully understand the serious consequences of letting blood out of their bodies; I used to ground them immediately)
She had visited the daughter-from-another-mother BFF the night before for dinner and slept over. I should mention that the BFF is currently an intern so well-qualified to deal with any medical emergencies, and that single fact kept me from going into a flat panic while I waited to hear how bad it was.
Apparently she'd decided to start the clean-up early and had even been to the shops to buy breakfast ingredients. On her return she'd picked up an expensive bottle of wine (to move it, I'm assuming/hoping) and dropped it. A piece of the broken glass had sliced her forearm to the bone. Exactly where your arm rests next to the mouse if you're right-handed.
I warned you it was graphic - the BFF doctor took this, I was lurking in the waiting room
May I just say that the last time something like this happened I was innocently working in the study. She was downstairs tidying up her room when I heard a little plaintive "Mom? I dropped my scalpel on my foot"
Not sure of what had happened, but absolutely sure that I had no intention of investigating I assured her that Walter would be home soon. Silence. I carried on working, putting it out of my mind. A few minutes later: "Um, I don't think I can wait. The scalpel's got old fish guts on it and I'm a little worried about infection" I calmly repeated "Dad will be home soon, he's observed bypass surgery, he's good with that stuff"
Eventually I agreed to take her, she wrapped her foot and off we went to the rooms. The GP was ridiculously excited, she'd sliced right through a tendon which required some careful stitching. She also couldn't drive for a good few weeks so needed ferrying around.
Fortunately this accident didn't involve tendons, there seems to be some minor nerve damage which will hopefully recover.
You fix my arm I'll fix your hair. Scientist no 1 and BFF working out the payment for emergency treatment of sliced arm.
Oh and she bought me dark chocolate to apologise (and prevent being grounded)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
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