Friday, April 23, 2010


So we moved offices the other day, from the slightly-shabby-but-spacious to the externally-appalling-but-clean new office about 10kms away.
Of course I ignored this right until the day of the actual move; we had been given quite a few moving dates and I figured this one would change too. Boxes arrived, curt instructions given on How To Move Your Laptop and Which Colour Sticker You Should Use. I was also a little distracted, what with Walter's surprise birthday party, and literally scooped everything off my desk into one box which rattled alarmingly on the day of the move.
It has been an interesting week. People's true personalities are revealed when they have to find their stuff and set up their new space. There's a lot of calculating of the new hierarchy based on space. I'm not sure who first thought up the open plan design (slave traders?) but I do know it is terribly difficult to implement sucessfully. We also have a shiny new security system, based on fingerprints no less, which may or may not allow you in depending on the position of the planets on that particular day.
Some of my colleagues have christened their new space The Fish Bowl. I secretly think of it as The Observation Lab - it's clearly an experiment on how long you can work in 3 square feet of personal space before going insane.

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