Sunday, December 11, 2011

Belly dancing lessons

No I haven't taken leave of my senses (well, not altogether)

My almost-daughter (the doctor) is getting married next Saturday. It was her kitchen tea yesterday, held at the soon-to-be in-laws' brand new restaurant. One of her friends bought belly dancing lessons for the guests, I can barely move today.

Here the belly dancer demonstrates how to give yourself an appendectomy.

I retired, injured, after about 45 minutes.

Scientist no 1 with the bride to be. BFFs for 18 years.

They went on to movies and then the bachelorette party. I have no idea how they kept going from 11am yesterday until 2.30am this morning.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Meet The Glumms

Edna and Harold Thick-knee. For new parents they look remarkably unimpressed. I'm guessing it's the lack of sleep.

The chick is so well-camouflaged I thought the ginger cat from up the road may have eaten it. It's quite nerve-wracking for me, I'm sure they are exhausted from chasing neighbourhood cats and assorted predators..

Yesterday morning I sent Walter racing down the road at 4am after the ginger cat, dressing gown flapping behind him; hopefully everyone else was still fast asleep.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Happy birthday Scientist No 1

It was Scientist no 1's birthday yesterday. She is now "25 with 1 year's experience"

In Knysna, 1987

Just like that she's 25 with 1 year's experience. High 5 for handing in her Master's thesis.

Quite appropriate that one of the Thick-knee eggs hatched then, on her birthday.
Mama bird, looking fierce